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Meeting – Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present:  Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Jan Kendall, Sandra Power, Bev Moustakis, Sara Fiore, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.  Absent:  Amy Alpert

The minutes of the September 29th meeting were reviewed.  Item number one under New Business was amended to read that Sandra Powers volunteered to craft a policy statement to deal with community requests for Committee assistance in implementing proposed improvements to public places.  She also proposed that such projects be separate from  traffic island projects with a new subcommittee.  The minutes were approved as amended.
Old Business
1.  Traffic Islands – Sandi submitted the following report.  
      The Norman Street island has been cleaned up for the season including cutting to a foot high the several large butterfly bushes.
     Mums were purchased with monies for that purpose from Dan Schuman (bike island) and distributed some in the bike island, five on the Norman Street unsponsored island, and several in a small area in front of Treasures over Time across from the Washington Street median strip.  Those gardens are all in good shape.  Volunteer squash plants, left because they filled up space, are spent and need to be removed from the bike island.  The companion island will need some permanent weed killer applied next spring to eradicate a particular pernicious weed that several hand weedings have not conquered.
    Some potential sponsors for next year have approached Ellen and me about particular islands and they will be sent MOU’s next spring.  New trees have sprouted up on the lower end of the Washington Street median strip,  Did a word to City worker Tom O’Shea last spring bring this about?  We understand that CBDG funds are again becoming available and we need to look to the City for funds and grants for hardscaping Loring Square, or a portion thereof, as well as improvements to the Riley Plaza parking islands, the Mill Hill median strip, and other areas in need of beautification in the City.
2.  Artist Row - Mary Ellen purchased plants from Northeast Nurseries on Columbus Day. She thanked all those who helped with the planting.  She noted the need to enlist Public Works’ employees to help move the barrel planters inside designated Artist Row buildings.  It was suggested that concerns regarding the buildings be brought to the attention of the Design Review Board.  The condition of the restrooms was noted. Ellen is to pass the observations on to the proper person.   
3. M.B.T.A. Mural – Given the plans for the construction of a new parking garage, Mary Ellen has put plans for a mural on hold. She has sent the M.B.T.A. project manager a letter  suggesting that the new garage incorporate some design elements that would make the station approach to the city more attractive and volunteered the maintenance assistance the Committee might be able to provide.  
4.  Committee Assistance Request Policy – The Committee commended Sandi on the policy guidelines she had crafted.  A motion to adopt the initial guidelines was offered, seconded and passed.  A copy of the policy guide lines is to be attachéd to the minutes of the meeting.

5.  Public Art – Mary Ellen believes the project should consist of fiberglass figure heads tied to the history of Salem.  She suggests that the figures would be sponsored by interested organizations.  She called attention to Cow Painters LLC a business out of Chicago that makes such figureheads.  She suggested that more can be learned at  Sam volunteered to help in getting more information.

New Business
1.  Committee Sponsorship of a Holiday Season Tree – Ellen met with Rick Rennard, Jason Silva and Jennifer Bell.  She reported that there is a large sleeve built into the pedestrian mall’s water fountain that can accommodate a large tree.  Efforts are being made to find the tree. A donor has volunteered the use of a crane to install it. Lighting and decoration issues were discussed.  Marcia will set up a meeting with Jennifer Bell and Sandra will get in touch with people of the Gathering to discuss the tree project and lighting ceremony possibilities.

2.  Marcia reported that Jason Silva has suggested a number of ideas that the Committee might interested in sponsoring.  A list of projects was distributed.  A brief discussion followed which included additional projects of interest.  It was decided to meet with Jason and others and then to continue discussion of the projects at a future meeting.

3.  Marica reported on a recent meeting of the Garden Federation.  She noted that there will be  a spring flower show in March of 2010.  
4.  Sam requested funding to add gypsum to the Washington Street traffic island.  The request was approved.

A motion to adjourn was offered, seconded, and approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting: November 24, 2009
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert